
We have support for two different ways for creating templates: ErlyDTL based on Django Templates and [EEx][EEx] based on the Elixir library with the same name.

Depending on the configuration you use, you could have different information available into the template. The configuration from config.toml is inserted as is into the template so, for example, the information into the section blog for url could be accessible using the following code for erlydtl:

{{ blog.url }}

Or the following code using eex:

<%= @blog[:url] %>

And if we configure var_name for posts as "posts", we can find a list of posts retrieved from the amount of files we have into the posts/**.md searching wildcard for erlydtl:

{% for post in posts %}
<div class='post'>
  <h1><a name='#{{ post.id }}'>{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
  {{ post.excerpt }}
{% endfor %}

Or using eex:

<%= for post <- @posts do %>
<div class='post'>
  <h1><a name='#<%= post[:id] %>'><%= post[:title] %></a></h1>
  <%= post[:excerpt] %>
<% end %>

Lambdapad also insert information inside of the template if you want to use it like this for erlydtl:

<generator uri="{{ lambdapad.url }}" version="{{ lambdapad.vsn }}">{{ lambdapad.name }}</generator>

And this for eex:

<generator uri="<%= @lambdapad[:url] %>" version="<%= @lambdapad[:vsn] %>"><%= @lambdapad[:name] %></generator>
  • name is set as Lambdapad
  • url is set as https://lambdapad.com
  • vsn is set as the version number of the Lambdapad in use, at this moment: 0.9.0
  • description is set as Static website generator

From every post we have also, and usually, available the following data:

  • excerpt: it's the text chosen as excerpt. If we configure the excerpt as false then it's going to be empty. It's clean text and all of the possible tags (i.e. strong, em or links) are removed.
  • excerpt_html: it's the HTML version of the excerpt.
  • content: the HTML content for the page.
  • id: it could be given from headers or set by Lambdapad if we disabled headers.
Last modified 2023-06-09