Posts and Pages

We are using Markdown for writing the docs and these markdown files have a header which usually should content the following fields for posts:

id: hello-world
title: Hello World!
author: Manuel Rubio

Hello world! This is my blog!

And then you can write the content keeping an empty (or blank) line between the header and the content.

Note that we are checking at this moment for \n\n so, keep in mind to format your markdown texts as LF instead of CRLF or CR.

For pages, it's only required the id the rest of information could be useful only in case you are going to need it inside of your page from the template.

The header isn't mandatory but if we want to skip it, we have to configure for the page or the widget the correspondent:

set headers: false

Whe we skip the header the id is set as the name of the file removing the extension.

In the same way, we can write a content which have included an excerpt:

This is the excerpt of my post.

This is the rest of my post.

The <!--more--> tag is giving to Lambdapad the indication for where it should be cut to get the excerpt. If we are using:

set excerpt: true

But we are not using the mark:

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

Lambdapad is choosing the first paragraph as the excerpt automatically.

Last modified 2022-05-16